
Create meaningful relationships with other members of the BizOps Network.

Meet & learn from other world-class business operations leaders in the Network.

Every new connection opens new learning opportunities and career paths.
What: 1:1 curated introductions and conversations‍
When: 30 min meetings, weekly - monthly at your choice

Sign-up for a 1-1 curated connection and introduction!

Build your Professional Network!

Top Leaders Only

Our team vets every new member joining the community. Whether they are a few years into their career or operating at the most senior level of their organization, you can be sure they are worth meeting.

Problem Solve Together

Connecting with peers at different companies or in new industries opens up huge opportunities to learn. Get insights from other operators solving similar challenges at different career points, company scale, and more.

Easy Scheduling

Intros will share a scheduling link that will make it easy to connect on a time and a place that works well for you.

How it Works

Here's how to get started:

‍1. Complete the below form.
2. The BizOps Network team will send your match email.
You will get an email with your match from us, and why you both are connected. We'll then follow up with scheduling and conferencing details.

3. Enjoy your call!
Voila! Have fun connecting with another BizOps Network member! Maybe plan another time to connect again to continue the conversation!

4. Sign-up for the next Connections round.
If the BizOps Network team can help you more before then, please let us know and we will try to help match you up with someone else soon as well! 

Outseta.on('accessToken.set', function(member) { Outseta.getUser().then(function (result) { console.log(result); if(result['Account']['HasLoggedIn']){ console.log('user is logged in'); try{ let firstName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['FirstName']; let lastName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['LastName']; let email = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['Email']; let airtableID = result['Account']['airtableID']; let hubspotID = result['Account']['hubspotID']; let accountUID = result['Account']['Uid']; const userProperties = { 'First name': firstName, 'Last name': lastName, 'Email': email, 'Airtable ID': airtableID, 'Hubspot ID': hubspotID, 'Account ID': accountUID }; heap.identify(email); heap.addUserProperties(userProperties); console.log('completed heap identification'); } catch(e) { console.log(e) } } }); });