Making Culture a Tangible Metric

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Making Culture a Tangible Metric
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Click on any section to jump to the relevant portion of the piece!

  • [Iterate your culture the same way you iterate your business model]( your culture the same way,In)
  • [Culture isnā€™t a buzzword, itā€™s your people]( isnā€™t a buzzword%2C itā€™s your,By)
  • [Talk to your customers employees]( to your customers employees,When)
  • [Founder influence isnā€™t sustainable]( influence isnā€™t sustainable,The default)
  • [ā€˜Fire fastā€™ is overly binary](ā€˜Fire fastā€™ is overly binary,Too)
  • [Be the mosaic, not a melting pot]( the mosaic%2C not a melting,In)
  • [Full Set of Feedback Interview Questions:]( Set of Feedback Interview Questions%3A,ā€¢ Do)