Key Takeaways: Company All Hands

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Emily Smith


Emily Smith



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Key Takeaways: Company All Hands
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Key Takeaways: Company All Hands

Hosting All Hands:

  • Have other people besides the exec team host all hands. This helps with visibility across the org and keeps people interested.

Content Suggestions:

  • New Hires and Anniversaries
  • Important Company-Wide Announcements
  • Live Recognition, Praise, or Shoutouts
  • Deep dive on Specific Departments
    • It’s helpful to template the department updates, so everyone knows what to expect and to keep people on track with timing.
    • If reviewing Goals/OKRs, keep it high level - Don’t get too in the weeds. People who are not in that specific department might get lost in the details.
  • Company Business Review
  • Financials Deep Dive (with explanations as to how this impacts people)
  • Industry and Competitive Rundowns
  • CEO shares what is inspiring them and their aspirations for the business
  • CEO State of the Union
  • Customer Quotes and Stories

Possible meeting structures:

  • Weekly
    • Less formal content
    • Have different meeting types, so people know what to expect each week, such as:
      • Week 1: Leadership AMA
      • Week 2: Business and OKR Updates
      • Week 3: Panels or Lunch & Learns
      • Week 4: Department Takeovers
      • _It’s helpful to label the types of meetings that you are having on the calendar so people can get a preview of the agenda. _
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
    • Higher quality of programming, more structured
    • Some of the less formal content that can be done at an all hands are often not included in all hands and called a different meeting at this cadence: Roadshows, Lunch and Learns, Community of Practice, Town Halls, AMAs

Meeting Followup:

  • Make sure to send a note after all hands with a few quick bullets on what Exec wants people to take away from and absorb during all hands.
  • Send a survey afterwards:
    • Do you understand the company’s vision? (Y, N, M)
    • Do you understand how the company is performing and what are are doing to improve? (Y, N, M)